Easy Products Tabs User Manual


1. Description

2. Installation

3. General configurable options

4. Admin interfaces

5. Use cases

6. Support


Free Easy Tabs extension is efficient solution for usability of your store. It was developed in order to add informational tabs on product page. The number of tabs is unlimited. You can replace default system tabs, add new blocks into the tabs and apply ready to use tabs to create new one according to your requirements. Our products tabs extension offers next tabs right out of the box: description tab, reviews tab, products tags tab, additional information tab, upsell products tab,related products tab. Also you can add dynamic tabs based on content of cms blocks or products attributes. The greatest feature is that you can also create custom tabs and put any content to it. For example you can put Ask It products question block into the products tab or Knowledge base products related articles. If your theme has fully responsive design, the Easy Tabs extension will work with mobile devices too. It will make the page more eye-friendly and speed up the purchasing process.


Thank you for downloading our magento extension. Please follow these instructions to proceed with the installation of your theme:

Turn store compilation off

Navigate to Admin -> Tools -> Compilation and deactivate compilation mode for your store.

Copy all files into your Magento directory

Simply copy all files from "extension source x.x.x" directory into your magento store directory.

In case you have different then "default" default folder - rename folders app/design/frontend/default/default and skin/frontend/default/default.

Turn your magento cache off

Navigate to Admin -> System -> Manage Cache and deactivate cache for your store.

Refresh your admin user access rights

Simply logout from your store admin and then login back.

Next steps

1. Login to your store admin and log out.

2. Navigate to System > Configuration > Templates-Master > Easy Tabs and enable extension for any store you need.

3. Configure Easy Tabs module according to your needs.

General configurable options

To enable Easy Tabs extension, please go Magento Admin>System>Configuration>Easy Tabs. Select Yes in the Enable easy tabs field.

Admin interfaces

Easy Tabs extension provides easy to use interfaces. In order to create or modify tabs on products page, go to Admin>Templates-Master>Easy Tabs. Click on Add New to get start with new tabs creation.

NOTE: please check if the Magento default block (product.info.additional) is located in view.phtml page.

1. In the Title field specify the Tab title.

2. In the Alias field specify the Tab alias.

3. In the Block type field you are allowed to select nine default Easy Tab blocks from the drop-down list, that will lead to improved tabs according to your requirements.

4. After the block type was selected, the value in the Block field will be set automatically.

5. In the Sort Order field specify the order in which the tabs will be displayed.

6. Select Yes in the Status field to enable this tab.

7. In the Store View field select the store where the tab will be active.

Then go to Widget Options tab and fill fields according to your requirements.

NOTE: the type of widget options fields will vary depending on the block type, that was selected.The Template field will be filled by default. If you need to change the template, you can copy this one and create your own on its basis.

Easy Tab Attribute Block

Easy tabs allows to create custom tabs and use current product attribute value as source of content for it.  If you select Easy Tab Attribute Block as a block type, please specify the following:

1. In the Attribute code field select attribute code from the drop-down list.

2. Keep the Template field without any changes.

Easy Tab CMS Static Block

Easy tabs allows to create custom tabs and use static CMS blocks as source of content for it. If you select Easy Tab CMS Static Block as block type, then at Widget Options tab specify the following:

1. In the Identifier field select the identifier from the drop-down list.

NOTE: if you want to create your own identifier, please do that at Admin>CMS>Static blocks.

2. Keep the Template field without any changes.

Easy Tab Custom Block

Easy tabs allows to create custom tabs and output different types of content in it.  If you select Easy Tab Custom Block as block type, then at Widget Options tab specify the following:

1. In the Block field specify block type from module xml file where you will integrate tabs.

2. Keep the Template field without any changes.

3. Add reference name::block_title in the Unset field if you want to delete the block that was doubled.

NOTE: if not, leave the Unset field blank.

When you enable this block type, the multiform content will be output in separate block.

Easy Tab Product Description Block

Easy tabs allows to move default description block and output it as products tab. If you select Easy Tab Product Description Block as block type, then at Widget Options keep the Template field without any changes. When you enable this block type,the default description block will be removed from products page.

Easy Tab Review Block

Easy Tabs allows you to add the review form on product tab. If you select Easy Tab Product’s Review Block as block type, then at Widget Options keep the Template field without any changes. When you enable this block type, customers’ reviews will be displayed at the tab on the product page.

Easy Tab Products Tags Block

Easy Tabs allows to move default tags block to the products tabs. If you select Easy Tab Products Tags Block as block type, then at Widget Options keep the Template field without any changes.

Easy Tab Related Products Block

Easy Tabs allows you to display product relations in separate tab instead of default Magento related products block. If you select Easy Tab Related Products Block as block type, then at Widget Options keep the Template field without any changes.When you enable this block type, the information about related products will display in separate block on the product page.

Easy Tab We Also Recommend Block

Easy Tabs allows you to show purchase recommendations in separate tab. If you select Easy Tab We Also Recommend Block as block type, then at Widget Options keep the Template field without any changes. When you enable this block type, customers will see recommended related products in separate block on the product page.

Use cases

Create custom tab with content taken from CMS static block.

1. Go to Admin>CMS>Static Blocks and create new block.

2. Then go to Admin>Templates-Master>Easy Tabs.

3. At general details in the Block Type field select CMS Static Block.

4. At widget options tab select newly created block in the Identifier field.

5. Click Save button.

Create custom tab with content taken from products attribute.

1. Go to Admin>CMS>Catalog Attributes>Manage Attributes and create new attribute.

2. Then go to Admin>Templates-Master>Easy Tabs.

3. At general details in the Block Type field select Easy Tab Attribute Block.

4. At widget options tab select content you need in the Attribute Code field.

5. Click Save button.

Create custom tab for Askit 2.0 products questions block.

1. Go to Admin>Templates-Master>Easy Tabs.

2. At general details in the Block type field select Easy Tab Custom Block.

3. At widget options tab specify askit/discussion in the Block field.

4. In the Template field specify tm/askit/question/list.phtml .

5. In the Unset field specify product.info.additional::askit .

6. Click Save button.

How to add image to the tab.

Go to Admin>CMS>Static Blocks and create the block by adding image. Then go to Admin>Templates-Master>Easy Tabs and do the following:

  1. In the Block type field select CMS Static Block.
  2. At widget options tab select newly created block in the Identifier field.
  3. Click Save button.


Template Master team is always ready to assist you with any issue related to our products.

We do offer:

  1. Free commercial products installation services
  2. Free updates within offered support period
  3. 3 months of free guaranteed support

Our duties:

  1. Responsibility for resolving products bugs.
  2. Help with technical queries.
  3. Support of popular web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 7+).
  4. Technical support in installation and usage of our products.


You can follow the product questions and read frequently asked questions from users.

If you have any problems with extension installation please contact us at helpdesk.

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