Improve your store with Magento Brands and Attributes pages extension

Today we are glad to introduce our new extension created to make your store navigation better and to improve your landing pages design. It will help you to organize products from multiple manufacturers or genres.

Our extensions allows to create unlimited number of attributes landing pages and offer complete control over it’s design. Furthermore it also provide 2 powerful widgets that can improve your store design such as brands slider and attributes page list. Extension's capabilities are not limited with just brands pages and you can also use it in order to create pages for different movies genres, books authors or even listing of all available products colors
Magento Brands extension will help you to create attractive attributes and brands pages, improve your navigation with brands widgets. Please check sample of brand listing page that is supported right out of the box. All brands are grouped in alphabetical order and listed in several columns. Such type of pages works good for stores offering wide range of products.

You can use almost any attribute such as brand, color, book author or film genre for attributes page. As soon as you create your first attributes page you can add our attributes widget to your store. For example it can be brands listing slider like shown bellow.

Our extension already completely integrated with our Magento Navigation extension. So for example you can create drop-down list of all brands like shown bellow just in few minutes.

Please find more information on the Magento Brands extension page.