Magento Facebook Like button with Open Graph support

One of the most important marketing trend in the internet today is social networks.

With recent Facebook OpenGraph release, it is becoming much easier to manage it.

Join now the new Facebook social "semantic" web with a help of our free extension.

“Facebook Like It” Magento extension provide you all advantages of this great new technology.

Please find more information on the Facebook Like Button Extension page.

43 thoughts on “Magento Facebook Like button with Open Graph support”

  • Thanks for contributing such a great extension!!

    I'm having problem with creating the facebook application to connect to it. Would you be able to give some details on how I'm able to get that to work?


  • Hi, also the times out and does nothing! Is this the correct place to go to enable / get a Facebook API key and also where to get an Application ID? This could do with explaining a bit more in your instructions, on what we do when we visit facebook to create an application??? Hope I can use this app soon and await your reply. Thanks!

    • Update - it was Facebooks site that was down at the time, I have now got access to the Facebook Developer pages OK. Next problem, is their are a lot of informaiton fields to fill out, but with no idea as to what to put in them... Such as, Canvas Callback URL? Profile Publisher? Connect URL? Advanced Settings etc...? Are these needed for this Application at all? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!

  • Hi!
    I've just installed your extention in my magento-store. And I found that with enabled Open Graph support I can't change any options like color or "like-recommend". Say in admin I set recomend" but in front I see anyway like. Do you have any idea how to solve this problem? Or it has to be this way? Thank you!

  • Just installed. I have created the API but I see nothing in front end. How does it work ?

  • Hi sir.

    i just installed the extension as well as enable it. But i couldn't see the like button on my product page.

    Could you explain the installation step by step? and what is teh application id and key that i should fill up?

    • Hi Kenny,

      I just installed this extension into my magento store. You need to modify some of your magento phtml files in order to show the "Like" button. You just need to follow the instructions described in the installation guide. You can find the installation guide in installation/install.html within This guide contains the step-by-step information on how to install and configure this great extension.

      As for the application id and key, you first need to create an application within your facebook account. The id and key are available when the application is created successfully.

      Just a quick hint when creating your facebook application (it took me quite a while to figure out), you just need to enter the application name and contact information in the basic section as well as connect URL and base domain in connect section. The connect URL should be "" and base domain is "". Please replace to your own web url.

      Hope this help.

  • Greate extension. I managed to get the "Like" button show up on my product pages. When I click on the "Like" button, a prompt will show up to ask me to log into my facebook account (if I have not already log in) and then allows me to enter any comment.

    However, one thing I don't quite get it is that, in my facebook news feed page, there is a bunch of HTML code just below the product I "Like" and my magento website URL. I guess the HTML code is actually the description of the product. So, how do I correct this problem and, if possible, shows the product picture?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Does this extension allow visitors to like each page or is it 'like' for the whole site.

    I currently have an installation of facebook like and it applies to the whole site but I want a extension which allows people to like individual web pages.


  • Any timeline on when the meta property="og:image tag will support product images?? Other then that, This extension is A++

    • Hi there... it works great. One thing though: in config.xml is default widht 450 which sometimes is too wide. You can change widht there...

      Also, i tried to distict product pages and blog pages with simple IF ELSE..

      Then I wanted to add product image to product like api but no success. I am getting blank page not knowing why. Maybe you know if I can use $this from magento head to facebooklk head phtml like this?

      <meta property="fb:app_id" content=""/>

      <meta property="og:title" content="getName()); ?>"/>
      <meta property="og:image" content="init(Mage::registry('current_product'), 'small_image')->resize(100,100);?>"/>

      <meta property="og:title" content="getTitle() ?>" />
      <meta property="og:image" content="

      <meta property="og:url" content="helper('core/url')->getCurrentUrl();?>"/>

      • sorry:

        Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init(Mage::registry('current_product'), 'small_image')->resize(100,100);

      • We do use next code for product image at head.phtml

        <meta property="og:image" content="<?php echo Mage::helper('catalog/image')->init(Mage::registry('current_product'), 'small_image')->resize(100,100);?>"/>

  • How do you use the Canvas Page settings? Can I have all the users who like something show up in a tab on my Facebook fan page?

  • Hi,
    I have installed the facebook like button followed the step-by-step instructions and also inserted the coding in view.phtml. However, there is nothing appeared in my frontend. Could anyone help me?


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