Ajax Pro installation instructions

Next steps
  1. Copy all files into your magento directory and turn Magento cache off.
  2. In case you have different then "default" default folder - rename folders app/design/frontend/default/default and skin/frontend/default/default.
  3. Navigate to System > Configuration > Templates-Master > AjaxPro and enable extension for any store you need.
  4. Configure AjaxPro module according to your needs.
  5. Generate custom ajax loader image and copy it to skin\frontend\default\default\images\ajaxpro_loader_animation.gif.
  6. That's all. Navigate to your home page and check how your store looks.
That's all. Navigate to your store and check how your store looks.

If you have any problems with extension installation please contact us at templates-master.com/helpdesk and we will help you with extension installation for free

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