Is it possible to use with Easy Tabs so the product questions are inside a tab ?

by Peter D.

In order to add the Askit form to Easytabs extension, the following changes should be applied to easytabs.xml. Right after next line:

<block type="catalog/product_view_tabs" name="" as="info_tabs">

Please add the next line of the code:

<action method="addTab" translate="title" module="askit" ifconfig="askit/general/enabled"><alias>askit_tabbed</alias><title>Customer Questions</title><block>askit/askIt</block><template>askit/askit.phtml</template></action>
The next line can be also commented from askit.xml:
<reference name=""><br /><block type="askit/askIt" name="askit" before="-" template="askit/askit.phtml"/></reference>

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