AskIt! installation instructions

Thank you for downloading our magento extension. Please follow these instructions to proceed with the installation of your theme:

Turn store compilation off:

Navigate to Admin -> Tools -> Compilation and deactivate compilation mode for your store.

Copy all files into your magento directory:

Simply copy all files from "extension source x.x.x" directory into your magento store directory.

Turn your magento cache off:

Navigate to Admin -> System -> Manage Cache and deactivate cache for your store. You can enable it after extension installation will be finished.

Refresh your admin user access rights:

Simply logout from your store admin and then login back.

Next steps
  1. Navigate to System > Configuration > Templates-Master > AskIt and enable extension for any store you need.
  2. Configure AskIt module according to your needs.
  3. Code listed bellow should should be added to view.phtml file in order to display Askit link For exampe app/design/frontend/[package]/[theme]/template/catalog/product/view.phtml.
    	<div class="product-shop">
    		<div class="product-name">
    			<h1><?php echo $_helper->productAttribute($_product, $_product->getName(), 'name') ?></h1>
                <!-- AskIt start-->
                <?php echo $this->helper('askit')->getLinkHtml($_product) ?>
                <!-- AskIt end-->
  4. That's all. Navigate to your store and check how your store looks.
That's all. Navigate to your store and check how your store looks.

If you have any problems with extension installation please contact us at and we will help you with extension installation for free

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